From Our Blog

There’s Something About Mary – Survivor, Supporter, Educator
By Jeff Vircoe Just a few weeks before Orange Shirt Day once again reminds a nation of the importance of its past and the obligations of its present and future,
From Stormy Days to Calm Seas – Kella-Lee’s Journey
By Jeff Vircoe It is hard to pinpoint exactly what part of Kella’s life is the most special these days. It could be the property she lives on, overlooking the
The Secret Sauce of Recovery: Series explores the evolution of the EHN way of doing treatment.
By Jeff Vircoe The history of addiction medicine is filled with incredible claims, personalities, facilities, successes and failures. It is a subject loaded with stigma, dripping with cynicism, and filled
Celebrating Recovery EHN Style: Let Them Eat Cake!
By Jeff Vircoe Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France once dismissively said of the starving masses, “Let them eat cake.” It didn’t go over so well, as the French Revolution can attest.
Alumni Ambassador, Alanna S. On What Recovery Looks Like Today
By Jeff Vircoe Alanna is apologizing for interrupting the interview, having to run to the next room to see what has her boy so upset. “I’m sorry hunny, mommy can’t
The Three Ledgehill Amigos
Great clinicians, great friends, great results By Jeff Vircoe Heard at a gathering of recovering addicts: “You can come out of the furnace of trouble two ways: if you let
The Greatest Benefit
The greatest benefit of becoming involved in an alumni community is connection.
“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection.” – Johann Hari
Some benefits of our alumni program may vary from location to location, and individuals can participate in as many aspects of this community as they choose.
- Weekly aftercare groups (for 1 year)
- Monthly Recovery Celebrations such as Cake Night and Alumni Nights
- Monthly community activities organized by our Aalumni Ssocial Ccommittee
- EHN- wide virtual events
- National meetings through our online WAGON platformprogram
- Educational workshops
- Fundraising events
- Regular email communications
- Access to exclusive social media alumni groups
What other people say
“I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to go to Edgewood. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it. I’m proud of my recovery and the people around me are proud of me too!”

Edgewood alumni
“I enjoy waking up being sober every day. 7087 days – one day at a time.”

Greg J. - grateful alumni
“My daughter has been a big inspiration to me and I’m so grateful to be able to be a sober mom to her.”

Bellwood Alumnus

The message of recovery powerful. Please take a moment to help us help others by sharing your story with others. This allow us to continually grow, better meet the needs of individuals who put their trust in us and show others that there is hope. Recovery is possible – you are living proof. Email us here if you would like to share your story or write a review below: